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Saturday, May 5, 2018

006, Piconica, and Songs For Your Head. Also Facebook

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I got episode 006 out yesterday. It's actually a mix I had done a while back, closer to the beginning of the year. I think I had originally not used it because I could not find the proper song to go at the beginning to start off the mix. I guess I technically never did. What I ended up doing was a little bit of jamming (as I want to do :) ). For the first track, I used some random sample hip-hop beat and recorded over it a little piece on the Android app Piconica. This app, created  can be found on the Google Play Store for free and is touted as a retro video game keyboard. There's a lot of these kind of apps out there, but this one is one of the more simplistic and has the best sound in my opinion. We all know and love that sound too. That distinctive "tingy" beep of the 8 bit and 16 bit generations, God don't you just love it?! I love jamming and I love video games, especially retro ones, even though i haven't played them in years. I have messed around with chiptuning in the past. It's a fairly versatile medium. I do happen to have some trackers and 8 bit sequencers on hand, so who knows, possible future side project maybe? There are so options out, who knows what the future holds. Do let me know what your thoughts on the idea are though. Could be kick-ass. I went ahead and put a link to the .apk file for Piconica at the bottom of this post, just in case anybody wants to mess around with it and do some jamming of their own! (P.S. it's the picture)

On a slightly different note, I wanted to start doing something like a song of the day type of thing. I don't know about you guys, but when a particular song gets stuck in my head it gets stuck HARD. Maybe that happens to you, maybe you're not that susceptible to it, either way, you cannot deny that music sometimes speaks a language you can't speak but need to hear. It transcends so many things, and there are so many things to break through nowadays, if a bit gets stuck on loop in your brain, there must be a pretty good reason why. The only way for me to remove the song from my head is to listen to it, usually on repeat, for varying amounts of time. So I figure why not bring everybody into that world? So every day I'm going to bring you either "a" song or "the" song that is playing in my head, and believe me, my brain is an archive on shuffle, you never know what you might hear! I'll be posting that here and on the twitter feed. I will also be posting it on Facebook as well, that is whenever they decide to give me access again. They locked me out of all of the pages and asked me to confirm my identity because it looked like my name was fake. Absolutely ridiculous, I would never knowingly misrepresent myself on the internet (lol). All sarcasm aside, I did use my legal name so it is unwarranted and annoying. I do understand what they have to police though. I would still be understanding, but they refuse to get back to me or let me onto the site even though I sent them the proper verification. If you haven't noticed anything on the Facebook pages, that is why. I really hope they resolve whatever issue they are having soon. Did I mention I'm not a big Facebook fan? Anyway, you'll be able to find the little section I'm entitling Songs For Your Head in the sidebar to the right beginning today. Today we start off with a nice house tune with a little bit of a swing vibe "Sometimes the Going Gets A Little Tough" by Finn because sometimes, the going DOES get a little tough! This one should make you feel good.


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